Africa do Sul

A mostrar agora: Africa do Sul - Selos Postais (1910 - 2024) - 24 selos.

[War Effort - Prices are for Single Stamps, type DH] [War Effort - Prices are for Single Stamps, type DH1] [War Effort - Prices are for Single Stamps, type DH2] [War Effort - Prices are for Single Stamps, type DI] [War Effort - Prices are for Single Stamps, type DI1] [War Effort - Prices are for Single Stamps, type DI2] [War Effort - Prices are for Single Stamps, type DK1] [War Effort - Prices are for Single Stamps, type DL] [War Effort - Prices are for Single Stamps, type DL1] [War Effort - Prices are for Single Stamps, type DM] [War Effort - Prices are for Single Stamps, type DM1] [War Effort - Prices are for Single Stamps, type DN] [War Effort - Prices are for Single Stamps, type DN1] [War Effort - Prices are for Single Stamps, type DO] [War Effort - Prices are for Single Stamps, type DO1] [War Effort - Prices are for Single Stamps, type DQ] [War Effort - Prices are for Single Stamps, type DR] [War Effort - Prices are for Single Stamps, type DS]
No. Tipo D Mint Condition Sem uso Usado Letra/FDC
153 DH ½P 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
153a* DH1 ½P 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
153b* DH2 ½P 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
154 DI ½P 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
154a* DI1 ½P 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
154b* DI2 ½P 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
155 DJ 1P 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
155a* DJ1 1P 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
156 DK 1P 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
156a* DK1 1P 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
157 DL 1½P 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
157A* DL1 1½P 0,52 - 0,52 - USD  Info
158 DM 1½P 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
158A* DM1 1½P 0,52 - 0,52 - USD  Info
159 DN 2P 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
159a* DN1 2P 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
160 DO 2P 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
160a* DO1 2P 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
161 DP 3P 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
162 DQ 3P 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
163 DR 6P 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
164 DS 6P 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
153‑164 3,12 - 3,12 - USD 
[War Effort - Country Inscription in English and Afrikaan - Prices are for Single Stamps, type DT] [War Effort - Country Inscription in English and Afrikaan - Prices are for Single Stamps, type DU]
No. Tipo D Mint Condition Sem uso Usado Letra/FDC
165 DT 4P 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
166 DU 1Sh 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
165‑166 0,52 - 0,52 - USD 


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